Sunday 11 December 2011


There are many unusual occurrences in space that mankind constantly seeks to gain knowledge about in an effort to learn about what is beyond our world. From black holes to white dwarfs, the number of unusual events and phenomenon astounds the mind. Unfortunately, for many of these space phenomenon , we have little proven information and can only hypothesize and theorize on what may really be. However, one thing is for sure-- The truth is out there-- and one day we may truly understand.

The Big Bang

How did the universe begin? There have been several cosmological observations and theories attempting to answer this question. Of these, the BIG BANG theory provides the most generally accepted explanation.
According to this theory, a large explosion aboutn ten to twenty billion years ago created the universe. As a result of the explosion, the universe became composed chiefly of radiation. Soon, the radiation formed a rapidly expanding area called the primordial fireball The main part of the fireball became matter, mainly hydrogen, after a few hundred years. In addition to the hydrogen were small amounts of helium and other light elements. The matter continued to decrease in density after the explosion. Supposedly, the matter broke apart into large clumps that formed galaxies. Within the galaxies, smaller clumps formed stars. Parts of these clumps would become solar systems.

Galaxies are currently still moving away from each other and it is probable it will remain this way until the end of time. But, it the possibility that the galaxies may collide in approximately seventy million years and explode again should not be ruled out.

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